Monday, October 10, 2011

Introductory Post!

Well well well....looks like I've got yet ANOTHER blog on my hands. I guess the seventeen LiveJournals, two DeadJournals, and whatever the hell else I've had JUST wasn't enough for me. Blogger to the rescue it is, I presume.

There will be some changes in my blogging habits, though. Less will there be random spouts about  whatever the hell I did on any given day; I care only slightly more about that than my (as of now) zero readers do. And given that, I don't even give a shit if I even gather any readers at all...this blog is mostly just to catalog my ever-morphing listening and playing habits.

If I gain readers, that's spectacular, but this is really really just for me. I've always liked reading music blogs and always envisioned myself as somewhat of an amateur music critic. So here goes...

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